Friday, May 20, 2005

Postcards from Sri Lanka: I can't find my Polydent!

Even though it’s only 9:07 PM on a Friday night, I’ve got my PJs on and am in bed. Two weeks of fun have officially come to an end today. Aiya left for Toronto at 8:20 PM. So what does this mean? Life alone with my 84 year old grandparents. This means waking up at 7:00 AM every single morning to my slightly deaf grandfather blaring the radio. Breakfast at 8:00 AM sharp with or without me. Lunch at 12:00 PM, and dinner at 8:00 PM every day. Life runs on the clock, it’s amazing what habitual creatures they are. They’ve been like this as long as anyone can remember, and most likely they’ll continue on in the same vein until they die.

Fortunately for me I have been able to find a way to break up the tedium that will eventually be a 21 year old becoming a pseudo senior citizen. Wednesday I start my job at an NGO which is dedicated to ending corruption and promoting good governance. I’ll be working on a project that’s investigating whether or not funds collected for the tsunami are being used in a proper manner. I’m stoked. The only not so exciting part about all of this is I’ll be travelling from Ratmalana where my grandparents live (think Ajax) to Borella (think downtown). This apparently means, that due to the insane amount of traffic in Colombo I’ll have to leave at the 7:45 at the very latest in order to make it on time for work which starts at 9:00. When I went to drop Aiya off at the airport today, it took me two hours to get there, and two hours to get home! All because of rush hour traffic. Eek.

Well although Aiya’s gone and I’m bound to lose a lot of mobility and independence I will have a bit more time on my hands for important things. Like watching all the pirated Hindi movies that I’ve acquired over the last couple of days. And of course replying to your e-mails and blogging a bit more (which means more than once a week ;))

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